9. September 2024 – 15. September 2024 ganztägig

Traces of Holocaust Project

Sep 9-15, 2024 in Krakow + Auschwitz Poland

 Dear Colleagues + dear community of therapists, coaches and counselors of all kinds, dear everybody who is interested in transgenerational work,

for many experts of all kinds, as well as for many people from the general public
the “Traces of Holocaust” workshops have had enlightening and life-changing effects. They accompanied the work of PAfE and FEPTO as training components of exceptional importance for many educational establishments and purposes all over the world since more than 30 years.

Hilde Gött and Yaacov Naor (who tragically past away in 2018) developed this work together, as descendants from families of the victim and the perpetrator side of the Shoa. Their work is worldwide known and acknowledged.


During the years 2017 and 2018, they opened their team for new members, to pave the way for the continuation of those workshops.


In 2023, after the Covid pandemic – now in the new team – we were finally able to restart the workshops. We shared two days in Krakov, learning about the best preserved Jewish quarter all over Europe and preparing our visit of the camp Auschwitz 1 and Birkenau.

The following three days we stayed there, in a conference center and on the very ground of the unparalleled bestiality, working about the very individual traces of the group members and about the impacts of the Shoa up to today. Krakow and the memorial places in Oswiecim and Birkenau are our preferred places to work because of their powerful impact as reminder of the past in the present.

We, the leaders of this project

are living examples of the fruits of this dialogue. Accepting the legacy of the late Yaacov Naor we carry this work forward to the times after the death of the last witnessing survivors. We develop new forms of work for remembrance and mutual recognition.


Hilde Gött born in Romania as a granddaughter of SS members whose wives were deported to Siberia. Trainer Director, MSc Psychodramapsychotherapy. Hilde is Certified Trainer and Supervisor (DGSv) of Psychodrama for the “Psychodrama Association for Europe” (PAfE) and has been teaching more than 20 years in Germany and Europe.
She is a Children and Adolescent Therapist, focusing on trauma, domestic violence and suicidal cases.


Elinor Zalmona- Bollag

born in Israel as a granddaughter of immigrants from Poland. Her parents, sisters and brothers of her grandmother were killed by the Nazis in the forest near Konin, Poland, together with the majority of the town’s Jewish community. Graduated from the departments of Anthropology and Theater Studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, certified as Expressive Arts Therapist specialized in psychodrama. Elinor works especially with children and parents in the private and public sectors and as group’s facilitator in clinical, social and educational context.


Dania Appel

born in Switzerland as a daughter of a survivor of the Shoah. Her father, together with his little sister, managed to escape from Berlin to England with the last «Kindertransport». All the other members of the german family were killed in Ausschwitz. Graduated in Educational Sciences, C.A.G.S. in Intermodal Arts Therapy, certified trainer in Transgenerational Therapy, she works with alkohol addicted people, as a teacher and therapist in the Intermodal Arts Therapy training, in her private praxis, as well as a group facilitator in social and hospital contexts.

Manfred Jannicke

born 1965 in West Berlin into a family consisting of NSDAP/Wehrmacht members to the one side and socialist/communist party members to the other side. Manfred is a male nurse, social pedagogue, certified Leader of Psychodrama (PAfE/DFP) and Supervisor. He serves as head of a diaconal organisation for protection and welfare of children, adolescents and their families.

Working languages: German, English, French, Hebrew, Romanian.

Peace is not the lack of conflicts.

We believe that our work as professionals should be devoted to learning how to live with conflicts. We explore how we, like all human beings, internalize experiences in the role of perpetrators and victims. Our aim is to find acceptive encounters with the inner „Other“, the „Different“ or the “Enemy within”, instead of projecting own unaccepted shadows. This may not lead to forgiveness or reconciliation but can heal some of the wounds.
Above all, it may open a dialogue.

Come in 2024

to our dynamic active unmasking group workshop using Psychodrama and Sociodrama in order to encounter the traces of the Holocaust in the present life. In all workshops of PASSERELLES we refer to the transgenerational backgrounds as WW2, Shoah, the division of Europe, life on both sides of the “iron curtain” and more. Actual outcomes of these historical events are (for example) European border conflicts, flight and expulsion, minority – majority issues, up to the effects of the Corona pandemic, the actual war in Ukraine and much more.

We work with methods of Psychodrama and Expressive Arts Therapy. No prior experience in Psychodrama is needed.



Sep 9th  – Sep 15th   2024


Please fill in and send to: registration@passerelles.eu . Questions? Please call Hilde Goett +49 151 5061 7828.


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Signature :                                                                                                       Date:

                        _____________________________________________            ______________________________


Fees including accomodation, full board (food), tours, transfers, entrances:

paid before May 30th, 2024: 1100,- €, after June 1st, 2024: 1250,– €